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Gibson Gallery

ART by the RIVER, which is held annually the weekend before Labour Day weekend is the major fundraiser for the Gibson Gallery. This Arts and Craft Festival,  first held in 1967, is Essex County's original Arts & Crafts Show. It has grown into an end of summer tradition in Amherstburg, attracting 170 artists and artisans from across Ontario.
2025 will be the 58th year of this event!

When: Always the weekend before Labour Day Weekend Rain or Shine... 
Sat. & Sun. August 23 & 24, 2025
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM  

Where:  Fort Malden National Historic Site of Canada
100 Laird Avenue Amherstburg, Ontario

$8.00/2 for $15 Children 12 & under enter free when accompanied by an adult

2024  Art by the River List of Exhibitors

Applications are processed and juried by date received on an ongoing basis. Applicants are notified of their status by email and a receipt sent if accepted. 
In July, an Exhibitor package outlining all the show details will be emailed/mailed to each exhibitor.
Included in your site fee are 2 Exhibitor Passes with names and site number . These will be available at your  assigned gate at Set-up Times. Please advise if a third is needed. More than 3 are subject to admission.

ART by the RIVER is an outdoor rain or shine show on the grounds of Fort Malden NHSC. Exhibitors must not disassemble or remove any part of their display during show hours, except in an emergency situation with the approval of the ART by the RIVER Committee.
Art by the River

Please visit the Art by the River Facebook page or Instagram by clicking Below.
Thank you to Art by the River 2024 sponsors!